Please find E-poster here:


ECAPH Symposium e-poster details



•This slide has been configured for the screens that will be used to display your poster.
•Original template dimensions are 57.159cm x 50.809cm
•These dimensions will scale to the correct projector resolution of 2160 pixels wide x 1920 pixels high
•Do not change these dimensions, otherwise your poster may not display correctly.


Recommended Font Sizes:
Title: 60px (min) – 80px (max)

Body Text : 22px (min) – 32max (for best effect)

                   : 18 absolute min – 40 absolute max


Please Note:

•Solid background colours are recommended, however white should not be used as the brightness of the panel can make it difficult to read when standing in front of it.
•If creating multiple images, simply right-click the slide image to the left and select “Duplicate Slide”
•Please try to avoid placing text or important visual elements across the grid line running down the middle of the slide as there is a small bezel between the panels that may make your poster difficult to read.  If you cannot see the grid line, select the View menu, and select the Guides tick box.


To save your poster as an image (PNG or JPG) for display on the Cube:

•Click File > Save As
•Select JPG or PNG from the dropdown Save as type box
•Click Save and select either All Slides or Just This One when prompted
•PNG’s are generally better for text and high-detail diagrams

Please keep a copy of your original PowerPoint template as this will allow you to go back and edit your poster again if required.


Please find E-poster guidelines here

Pleasd find E-poster template here





